We Can Remove Virus and other Malware From Your Computer
There are many kinds of unwanted items of software that can install themselves on your computer. Sometimes these are completely invisible to you. Others come as part of a free program that you download, and are creating pup up ads. We can deal with all of the many kinds of threats to your computer. And if you do not have a working anti-virus program setup on a PC, you should do so immediately, as this is inviting trouble to walk into your household in the way of computer problems.
We Install an Anti-virus on All Computers That We Service if Required
When we service a computer, if it does not have a working anti-virus product, we install Avast!, a good, anti-virus product which is free for non-commercial use . We use this on all of our computers. As you can see from the picture above, there are many anti-virus products available. Some are free and some require an annual fee, and some such as Avast is free for non-commercial use and are paid for business use. The most important message is to use one of them. Microsoft has one built into Windows 8, and has one that you can download for Windows 7.
One Is Good, Two Is Better?
We frequently see this when we service computers. Our advice is to have One good product on your computer. Two or more just slows down your computer, but does not give you any significant improvement in virus detection. There is more to go wrong, and sometimes they might conflict with each other.Call as Soon As You Are Aware You Have a Virus Problem
There are several good reasons for this advice. One is common sense, the longer a piece of malware is active on your computer, the more it can spread both inside your computer, and to others you send files or e-mails to. Another good reason is Windows keeps a snapshot of the state of your computer every few days. It keeps these for a while, and then deletes them to make room for newer ones. These can be useful if you act promptly and there is a snapshot present on your computer before the virus infection occurred. It can reduce the time and therefore cost of solving a virus infection.